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380 lines
#include "c_includes.h"
* c_draw.c
* Todd W Mummert, CMU, January 1991
* This is an attempt at cleaning up the drawing routines.
* this routine is for points which cannot change their bearing and have
* no moving parts; i.e., blocks.
void calcpointsI(dc, method, index, g, pl)
DCp dc;
Methodp method;
int index;
Genericp g, pl;
int i;
float xpoff, ypoff, prx, pry, prz, dx, dy;
Coord2dp new;
Coord3dp old;
old = dc->s->object+index;
new = dc->points+index;
dx = pl->x - dc->pos.x;
dy = pl->y - dc->pos.y;
for (i=0; i<method->num; i++, old++, new++) {
xpoff = old->x - dx;
ypoff = old->y - dy;
prx = xpoff * pl->ca + ypoff * pl->sa;
pry = -xpoff * pl->sa + ypoff * pl->ca;
if (pry < 10.0)
pry = 10.0;
prz = old->z + dc->pos.z;
new->x = 500 + prx / pry * 450;
new->y = 260 - prz / pry * 450;
* this routine is for points which may change their bearing, but do not
* have moving parts.
void calcpointsII(dc, method, index, g, pl)
DCp dc;
Methodp method;
int index;
Genericp g, pl;
int i;
float csa, ssa, dx, dy, xn, yn, cn, sn, prx, pry, prz, rx, ry;
Coord2dp new;
Coord3dp old;
old = dc->s->object+index;
new = dc->points+index;
csa = cos(g->azm);
ssa = sin(g->azm);
dx = pl->x - dc->pos.x;
dy = pl->y - dc->pos.y;
xn = dx * csa + dy * ssa;
yn = -dx * ssa + dy * csa;
cn = pl->ca * csa + pl->sa * ssa;
sn = pl->sa * csa - ssa * pl->ca;
for (i=0; i<method->num; i++, old++, new++) {
rx = old->x - xn;
ry = old->y - yn;
prx = rx * cn + ry * sn;
pry = -rx * sn + ry * cn;
if (pry < 10.0)
pry = 10.0;
prz = old->z + dc->pos.z;
new->x = 500 + prx / pry * 450;
new->y = 260 - prz / pry * 450;
* this routine is for points which do not change their bearing,
* but have moving parts which rotate around the center of the
* object.
void calcpointsIII(dc, method, index, g, pl)
DCp dc;
Methodp method;
int index;
Genericp g, pl;
int i;
float temp, dx, dy, xn, yn, cn, sn, prx, pry, prz, rx, ry;
Coord2dp new;
Coord3dp old;
old = dc->s->object+index;
new = dc->points+index;
temp = dc->cta;
dc->cta = dc->cta * method->vars[0] - dc->sta * method->vars[1];
dc->sta = dc->sta * method->vars[0] + temp * method->vars[1];
dx = pl->x - dc->pos.x;
dy = pl->y - dc->pos.y;
xn = dx * dc->cta + dy * dc->sta;
yn = -dx * dc->sta + dy * dc->cta;
cn = pl->ca * dc->cta + pl->sa * dc->sta;
sn = pl->sa * dc->cta - pl->ca * dc->sta;
for (i=0; i<method->num; i++, old++, new++) {
rx = old->x - xn;
ry = old->y - yn;
prx = rx * cn + ry * sn;
pry = -rx * sn + ry * cn;
if (pry < 10.0)
pry = 10.0;
prz = old->z + dc->pos.z;
new->x = 500 + prx / pry * 450;
new->y = 260 - prz / pry * 450;
* this routine is for points which do change their bearing,
* and have moving parts which do not rotate around the center of the
* object. an example is the offset radar dish of the normal tanks.
void calcpointsIV(dc, method, index, g, pl)
DCp dc;
Methodp method;
int index;
Genericp g, pl;
int i;
float temp, dx, dy, xn, yn, cn, sn, prx, pry, prz, rx, ry, csa, ssa;
Coord2dp new;
Coord3dp old;
Float2d pivot;
old = dc->s->object+index;
new = dc->points+index;
temp = dc->cta;
dc->cta = dc->cta * method->vars[0] - dc->sta * method->vars[1];
dc->sta = dc->sta * method->vars[0] + temp * method->vars[1];
csa = cos(g->azm);
ssa = sin(g->azm);
dx = pl->x - dc->pos.x;
dy = pl->y - dc->pos.y;
xn = dx * csa + dy * ssa;
yn = -dx * ssa + dy * csa;
cn = pl->ca * csa + pl->sa * ssa;
sn = pl->sa * csa - ssa * pl->ca;
pivot.x = method->vars[2] - xn;
pivot.y = method->vars[3] - yn;
for (i=0; i<method->num; i++, old++, new++) {
rx = old->x * dc->cta - old->y * dc->sta + pivot.x;
ry = old->x * dc->sta + old->y * dc->cta + pivot.y;
prx = rx * cn + ry * sn;
pry = -rx * sn + ry * cn;
if (pry < 10.0)
pry = 10.0;
prz = old->z + dc->pos.z;
new->x = 500 + prx / pry * 450;
new->y = 260 - prz / pry * 450;
* draw plines and mlines
void displayobject(dc)
DCp dc;
Coord2dp point;
int *i;
for (i=dc->s->pnum; *i; i++) {
polyline(point, *i);
point += *i;
for (i=dc->s->mnum; *i; i++) {
multiline(point, *i>>1);
point += *i;
void drawobject(g, pl)
Genericp g, pl;
static Coord3d cube[] = {
-40, 40, -40, -40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, -40,
-40, 40, -40, -40, -40, -40, 40, -40, -40, 40, -40, 40,
-40, -40, 40, -40, -40, -40, -40, -40, 40, -40, 40, 40,
40, -40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, -40, -40, 40, 40, -40};
static int cubepnum[] = {10, 0};
static int cubemnum[] = {6, 0};
static Method cubemethods[] = {16, calcpointsI, NULL,
static Coord3d pyramid[] = {
-40, 40, -40, 40, 40, -40, 40, -40, -40, 40, 40, -40,
0, 0, 40, -40, 40, -40, -40, -40, -40, 0, 0, 40,
40, -40, -40, -40, -40, -40};
static int pyramidpnum[] = {10, 0};
static int pyramidmnum[] = {0};
static Method pyramidmethods[] = {10, calcpointsI, NULL,
static Coord3d salvo[] = {
0, -10, -8, 8, -10, 0, 0, -10, 8, 8, -10, 0,
0, 10, 0, 0, -10, 8, -8, -10, 0, 0, 10, 0,
0, -10, -8, -8, -10, 0};
static int salvopnum[] = {10, 0};
static int salvomnum[] = {0};
static Method salvomethods[] = {10, calcpointsII, NULL,
static Coord3d lander[] = {
0, 0, 20, 80, 0, -20, 40, 0, -40, -40, 0, -40,
-80, 0, -20, 0, 0, 20, 0, 80, -20, 0, 40, -40,
0, -40, -40, 0, -80, -20, 0, 0, 20, -57, -57, -20,
-28, -28, -40, 28, 28, -40, 57, 57, -20, 0, 0, 20,
57, -57, -20, 28, -28, -40, -28, 28, -40, -57, 57, -20,
0, 0, 20};
static int landerpnum[] = {21, 0};
static int landermnum[] = {0};
static float landervars[] = {0.996195, 0.087156};
static Method landermethods[] = {21, calcpointsIII, landervars,
static Coord3d missile[] = {
15, -30, -25, 25, -30, 0, 0, -45, 0, 15, -30, -25,
-15, -30, -25, 0, -45, 0, 15, -30, 25, -15, -30, 25,
0, -45, 0, -25, -30, 0, -15, -30, 25, 15, -30, -25,
0, 50, 0, 25, -30, 0, 15, -30, 25, 0, 50, 0,
-15, -30, -25, -25, -30, 0, 0, 50, 0, -15, -30, 25,
13, -17, -21, 15, -30, -25, 23, -38, -40, 23, 0, -40,
13, -17, -21, -13, -17, -21, -15, -30, -25, -23, -38, -40,
-23, 0, -40, -13, -17, -21};
static int missilepnum[] = {11, 9, 5, 5, 0};
static int missilemnum[] = {0};
static Method missilemethods[] = {30, calcpointsII, NULL,
static Coord3d copter[] = {
6, 100, 30, -6, -100, 30, 6, -100, 30,
-6, 100, 30, 6, 100, 30, 0, -114, -10,
7, -30, -34, 10, -34, -14, 0, -116, 0,
0, -134, 28, 0, -144, 28, 0, -130, -10,
0, -114, -10, -7, -30, -34, -10, -34, -14,
0, -116, 0, -14, 34, -34, 14, 34, -34,
0, 60, -14, -14, 34, -34, -7, -30, -34,
7, -30, -34, 14, 34, -34, 26, 34, -14,
0, 60, -14, -26, 34, -14, -10, -34, -14,
10, -34, -14, 26, 34, -14, 4, 20, 16,
0, 22, 16, -4, 20, 16, -4, -22, 16,
4, -22, 16, 4, 20, 16, 0, 0, 16,
0, 0, 36, -14, -30, -40, -14, 40, -40,
-14, 40, -40, -14, 44, -36, 14, -30, -40,
14, 40, -40, 14, 40, -40, 14, 44, -36,
-10, -34, -14, -4, -22, 16, 10, -34, -14,
4, -22, 16, 0, 22, 16, 0, 60, -14,
-14, 34, -34, -26, 34, -14, -26, 34, -14,
-4, 20, 16};
static int copterpnum[] = {5, 11, 19, 0};
static int coptermnum[] = {10, 10, 0};
static float coptervars[] = {0.819152, 0.573576};
static Method coptermethods[] = {5, calcpointsIII, coptervars,
50, calcpointsII, NULL,
static Coord3d super[] = {
3, 55, -6, 3, 55, 0, -3, 55, 0, -3, 55, -6,
3, 55, -6, 0, 35, -33, 13, -60, -6, 11, -60, 4,
11, -25, 4, 0, 35, -33, -13, -60, -6, -11, -60, 4,
-11, -25, 4, 0, 35, -33, 15, 60, -40, 30, -60, -40,
30, -60, -6, 15, 60, -40, -15, 60, -40, -30, -60, -40,
-30, -60, -6, -15, 60, -40, 22, -52, -8, 22, -52, 28,
3, -17, 0, 3, 55, 0, -3, -17, 0, -3, 55, 0,
3, -8, -6, 3, 55, -6, -3, -8, -6, -3, 55, -6,
11, -60, 4, -11, -60, 4, 11, -25, 4, -11, -25, 4,
-30, -60, -6, 30, -60, -6, -30, -60, -40, 30, -60, -40};
static int superpnum[] = {5, 9, 8, 0};
static int supermnum[] = {2, 8, 4, 4, 0};
static Method supermethods[] = {40, calcpointsII, NULL,
static Coord3d tank[] = {
3, 0, 13, 5, 3, 15, 5, 3, 19, 3, 0, 21,
-3, 0, 21, -5, 3, 19, -5, 3, 15, -3, 0, 13,
3, 0, 13, -3, 60, -3, 3, 60, -3, 3, 60, 3,
-3, 60, 3, -3, 60, -3, -10, -45, 10, -10, -13, 10,
10, -13, 10, 10, -45, 10, 25, -50, -11, 25, 60, -20,
10, -13, 10, -10, -13, 10, -25, 60, -20, -25, -50, -11,
-10, -45, 10, 10, -45, 10, 30, -53, -40, 35, -60, -10,
35, 60, -20, 30, 37, -40, -30, 37, -40, -35, 60, -20,
-35, -60, -10, -30, -53, -40, 30, -53, -40, 30, 37, -40,
5, -40, 10, 5, -40, 13, 3, 4, 3, 3, 60, 3,
-3, 4, 3, -3, 60, 3, -3, 19, -3, -3, 60, -3,
3, 19, -3, 3, 60, -3, 35, -60, -10, -35, -60, -10,
35, 60, -20, -35, 60, -20, -30, -53, -40, -30, 37, -40};
static int tankpnum[] = {9, 5, 12, 10, 0};
static int tankmnum[] = {2, 8, 6, 0};
static float tankvars[] = {0.996195, 0.087156, 5, -40};
static Method tankmethods[] = {9, calcpointsIV, tankvars,
43, calcpointsII, NULL,
static StaticDC staticdcs[] = {
pyramid, pyramidpnum, pyramidmnum, pyramidmethods, COLOR_PYRAMID,
cube, cubepnum, cubemnum, cubemethods, COLOR_CUBE,
tank, tankpnum, tankmnum, tankmethods, COLOR_TANK,
super, superpnum, supermnum, supermethods, COLOR_SUPER,
missile, missilepnum, missilemnum, missilemethods, COLOR_MISSILE,
copter, copterpnum, coptermnum, coptermethods, COLOR_COPTER,
lander, landerpnum, landermnum, landermethods, COLOR_LANDER,
salvo, salvopnum, salvomnum, salvomethods, COLOR_ESALVO };
int color, i;
DCp dc;
Methodp methods;
dc = &g->dc[0];
if (dc->last) {
if (g->attr & ERASE) return;
if (!(g->attr & HAS_DC)) {
g->attr |= HAS_DC;
dc->s = staticdcs+g->lntype;
switch (g->type) {
case IS_CUBE:
case IS_SUPER:
case IS_TANK:
dc->fades = opt->fading_colors - 1;
dc->basecolor = dc->s->basecolor;
case IS_SALVO:
dc->fades = False;
if (g->salvo == pl)
dc->basecolor = COLOR_PSALVO;
dc->basecolor = COLOR_ESALVO;
if (dc->seen) {
if (dc->fades) {
color = g->range/OUT_OF_DRAWING_RANGE * opt->fading_colors;
if (color >= opt->fading_colors)
color = opt->fading_colors-1;
color = 0;
gprsetdrawvalue(color + opt->cpi[dc->basecolor]);
dc->pos.x = g->x;
dc->pos.y = g->y;
dc->pos.z = g->z;
methods = dc->s->methods;
for (i=0; methods->num; methods++) {
methods->calc(dc, methods, i, g, pl);
i += methods->num;
dc->last = True;
dc->last = False;